Gauge/Gravity Duality

Instructors: Prof. Arfaei, Dr. Abbasi, Dr. Faraji, Dr. Naseh

Class Times:
Sundays 15:00-17:00 , Tuesdays 17:00-19:00

Place :
Physics Department- Room 513



      Part 1  (4 weeks)
  • General background  (1 lecture)
  • CFT in 2 and higher dimensions  (3 lectures)
                Lectures on Conformal Field Theory, by Joshua D. Qualls (lecture2: pages 22-43)
  • AdS geometry and AdS blackholes  (3 lectures)
                Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity, by O. Aharony,et al. (Section2.2 Anti-de Sitter Space)
  • Brane theory  (2 lectures)

      Part 2  (5 weeks)
  • Maldacena's conjecture  (3 lectures by Dr. Naseh)
  • Witten's version and prescription  (3 lectures by Dr. Naseh)
  • Holography  (2 lectures by Dr. Naseh)
  • Holographic RG  (2 lectures by Dr. Faraji)

      Part 3: Applications  (7 weeks)
  • Correlations, transport coefficients  (3 lectures by Dr. Abbasi)
  • AdS-QCD  (3 lectures by Dr. Abbasi)
  • AdS-conmat, AdS-FG  (3 lectures by Dr. Abbasi)
  • Entaglement Entropy, Complecity, ...  (4 lectures by Dr. Faraji)
  • Tensor network, a very short introduction  (1 or 2 lectures)